Why I Choose Computer System Study Major

nugra zurus blog September 08, 2016

Why I Choose Computer System Study Major

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. In this opportunity I would like to tell you some reasons about why I choose Mathematics and Science Faculty, Computer System Study Major, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. Let me introduce myself first, I am Nugra Zurus Pratama from Senior High School Number One. Well, I started to know about computer since I was in Elementary school. The first thing that I know about computer is the game inside it. When I am in Junior High School I can install operating system to my laptop. And then I realize I have to make my laptop better than before. So I keep searching about computer. Sometimes about the hardware and sometimes about the software. At Senior High School I do the same thing to my phone. I have upgraded my phone OS so it can run more apps than before. Because of that I want to know more about computer. Actually, Computer System Study Major is my second choice. My first choice is Informatics Engineering. But, its okay even if this is not my first choice. I know that this is the best choice that God has given to me. I hope one day, I can be software developer and I can make my own company. Thank you for your attention.  see you on the next opportunity.

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